Arm and elbow injuries can be caused by damage to muscles, ligaments, nerves, bones or joints. Below are links to articles explaining the different types of structures in your arm or elbow, and the injuries related to them. First understand the problem, then we know how to treat your arm.
Most injuries don’t happen in isolation. In most cases there are multiple structures at the root of the problems our patients experience. A shoulder injury could be directly related to an arm injury.
When diagnosing patient problems, we determine the main area which has been damaged and focus our treatment on that. The general progression of problems stems from these underlying structures (generally in this order): 1) Nerves 2) Bones 3) Joints 4) Discs 5) Ligaments 6) Tendons 7) Muscles

From tennis to golfer’s elbow joint pain, we explain the causes, symptoms and physiotherapy treatments. The terms tennis and golf are not the definite causes of injury – they are generic terms to describe symptoms usually experienced on either the inside, or outside of the elbow. These injuries are common in those sports but can be experienced by any athlete whose sport involves significant gripping/grasping of an object.

Pain in the upper arm can be very deceiving, as most shoulder injuries involve injury to the structures in the upper arm. Damaging structures like your biceps (in the front) and your triceps (at the back) can cause significant pain. Upper arm injury symptoms mainly arise from injuries to muscles. Read our article to find out more about the causes and symptoms of upper arm pain.

Identifying and addressing the root of the problem is the key to its resolution. In some instances practitioners like to simply inject the injury and carry on. However, this does not address the underlying cause and can just be a temporary fix. A complete treatment solution, addressing all aspects of the injury gives the best possible chance of success, injections do have their place, but as part of a more detailed management strategy.

From tennis to golfer’s elbow pain, we explain the symptoms (from mild to severe), causes and common elbow injuries. The elbow can be a quite tricky area to diagnose where the pain is coming from due to the two forearm bones (Ulnar & Radius) connecting to the upper arm (humerus). This article includes a list of the types of elbow pain and the structures they relate to.

Pain in the forearm can be divided into two compartments namely; the front and back. In the front, muscles pull your wrist and fingers forward. At the back, muscles pull your fingers and wrist backwards. Pain in the forearm is usually because of an overload or stain of the muscles. Read our article which outlines the causes and symptoms of forearm pain.

Tennis elbow refers to the inflammation within the tendons on the outside of the elbow. These tendons connect the forearm muscles to the arm bone. These muscles move the wrist, hand and fingers. Read our article to discover how physiotherapy is an effective treatment for tennis elbow. We include a breakdown of how this injury happens and the symptoms to look out for. We also include tips on What to do and What not to do if you suspect you’re suffering from this type of injury.
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“Are you moving poorly because you’re in pain?
Or are you in pain because you’re moving poorly.”
Our professionals test all the structures to get a diagnosis. We treat all kinds of injuries to tissues like muscle, nerve joint, and ligament. Sign up for treatment today.