Of all the long bones in our bodies, most fractures occur in the tibia. Also known as a shin bone, it connects your knee to your foot. Your tibia is crucial for the stability of your leg and it is designed to handle the impact of walking, running, or jumping. So, what happens if something like a fracture disturbs this stability? Suddenly, daily things like standing and walking feel impossible to do. Even if you have surgery to fixate your broken tibia, the recovery is tough.

Apart from the obvious cracked bone, a tibia fracture causes damage to arteries, veins, nerves, ligaments, or even muscles. This is often overlooked, which either leads to serious complications or slower recovery. Regardless of whether you had a tibia fracture years ago and never fully recovered, or recently injured your shin, and are not even sure if you fractured it. This article is for you.

What is a tibia and where can I find it?

Tibia means “shin bone” in Latin. If you rub your hand over the front of your shin (the lower part of your leg beneath your knee), you will feel the hard ridge of the tibia bone. It is the second largest bone in your body. It forms part of your knee and ankle joint and almost every centimeter is covered in layers of muscles that control knee, ankle, foot, and toe movements.

The structure of the bone

At the top, the tibia has a broad, flat area called the tibial plateau. It forms the lower part of the knee joint. There are three prominent points at the top. Two of them are called condyles and the middle one is called the tibial tuberosity. Muscles and tendons attach to them.

The middle part of the bone is called the tibial shaft. 

At the bottom, the tibia connects to the ankle bone (talus) and the fibula. Together they form the ankle joint. Here, the tibia forms an important prominence, called the medial malleoli. This is the knob that you can see and feel sticking out on the inside of your ankle. Important ankle ligaments attach to the malleoli.

Other important structures

Several important arteries, veins, and nerves can be found alongside the tibia. Different groups of muscles attach to the tibia. These muscle groups are divided into compartments and are covered with a sheath.

  • Anterior (front) compartment: The tibialis anterior muscle, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum longus are responsible for lifting your foot and toes.
  • Superficial posterior (back) compartment: Big calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) that lift your heel when you stand.
  • Deep posterior (back) compartment: Nerves and arteries of your lower leg run here, as well as the tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, and flexor digitorum longus muscles that bend your ankle and toes.

What is so important about the tibia?

  • The tibia connects your knee to your ankle.
  • It forms a part of the knee and ankle joints, allowing you to bend your knee and lift your foot.
  • The tibial plateau and condyles are an attachment point for knee ligaments and menisci.
  • These ligaments, together with the meniscus give your knee stability.
  • Important ankle ligaments connect to the medial malleoli and help with ankle stability.
  • Your tibia helps to distribute the weight of your body across the knee and to the ankle.
  • When you walk, your tibia can handle impact forces up to 4.7 times your body weight.
  • Muscles that move your knee, ankle, and toes attach to your tibia.
  • Muscle compartments around your tibia form a ‘pump’ that helps circulate blood from your feet back to your heart.

I have a tibia fracture. How does it happen?

A fracture is a crack in a bone. This can be anything from a thin, hairline crack to a much more serious fracture where the bone shatters into two or more pieces. You need outside forces, like a fall, twist, or crash to cause a tibia fracture. The location of the fracture determines how critical it is together with the degree of fragment separation. 

Classification of a fracture

  • Stable or non-displaced fractures – also known as a clean break, the fragment pieces of the tibia line up.
  • Displaced fracture – one part of the bone shifts, so the tibia isn’t aligned anymore. If the pieces don’t line up, the bone won’t heal properly. This type usually needs surgery.
  • Stress fracture – small, hairline cracks form in the structure of the bone. This injury is caused by overuse i.e. constantly overloading the bone.
  • Spiral fracture – caused by a forceful twisting movement, it causes a spiral-shaped fracture. The tibia usually doesn’t line up and this type of fracture requires surgery.
  • Comminuted fracture – the bone shatters into three or more parts. This is a complex injury because the sharp ends of the broken bone can cause damage to nerves or blood vessels.
  • Avulsion fracture – a ligament or tendon pulls a small piece of bone from the tibia. This usually happens where your patella tendon is anchored at the upper part of your tibia or on the inside of your ankle where important ankle ligaments attach onto the malleoli.
  • Greenstick or incomplete fracture – when one side of the bone cracks and the opposite side bends without breaking. This injury is only found in children, because their bones are softer.
  • Open vs closed fracture – when the skin and muscle over the tibia is torn, with a piece of the bone sticking out, it is called an open fracture.

It starts with an injury

Let’s say you were in an accident and now you have extreme pain in your lower leg. Your pain shoots through the roof the moment you try to walk. Now, you’re wondering if you have a tibia fracture.

The x-rays show that you have a tibia fracture

You are referred for x-rays and it shows a clear fracture of your tibia. The first thing your body does in response to a fracture is to cause an immediate and severe inflammatory reaction. This is an influx of repair cells to the injury site, all these cells accumulate causing a very powerful immune response leading to swelling and increased pressure and pain. Walking or stepping on your injured leg produce sudden, sharp, intense pain, because it compresses the fractured bone pieces together. The velocity of force needed to break your tibia bone is quite high, these fractured tibia segments tearing through blood vessels, and piercing muscle tissue, rupturing ligaments and cutting through nerves causing severe instant blue bruising and swelling.

It’s a serious injury

To have a broken tibia is a serious injury, the first priority is to get a clear X-ray of the broken tibia fragments and classify your fracture. Tibia fracture treatment is determined after you know the extent of the damage. Bone can grow back together again, but it will take time, discipline and effort. Often, surgery is necessary to fixate the different pieces of bone in the right position. If you continue walking with a tibia fracture, the movement between the bone fragments destroys the surrounding tissue which delays healing considerably.

It’s only a stress fracture

Let’s say your x-rays showed that you only have a hairline fracture or stress fracture. Often, an injury like this is caused by too much repetitive impact, combined with wringing forces that slowly breaks the tibia bone. This includes running and jumping. A stress fracture is not as serious and you certainly won’t need surgery, but you still need to fix how load is distributed through your leg. Chronic shin pain or shin splints eventually caves under the repetitive bone stress. A tibia stress fracture often leads to a full-blown fracture if repeated impact is continuous.

What if the x-rays showed it’s not a tibia fracture at all?

You can still have severe lower leg pain with soft tissue injuries. In fact, nerve and muscle damage is much more painful than a Tibia fracture because the bone has less ‘feeling’ due to less nerve innervation. Trauma to blood vessels, inflammation, swelling and bruising of the layers of soft tissue and muscles around your tibia can produce severe, intense lower leg pain.

Get your leg checked out if you suspect you have a fractured tibia, because it determines the type of treatment you need to recover. Our Physiotherapists can refer you for the necessary X-rays.

Causes of tibia fractures

  • Falling directly onto your knee or shin
  • Severe impact like a car crash
  • Jumping or falling from a height
  • High impact sports like skiing, horse riding, hockey, rugby or gymnastics
  • Repetitive impact through your tibia like long distance running

Risk factors:

Here’s the risk factors that increase your chances of a broken tibia.

  • Osteoporosis – Low density and poor bone structures make your bones more vulnerable to fractures.
  • Gender – Women, especially post-menopausal, are more prone due to problems with bone density
  • Medications – Some medications side-effects cause a decrease in bone density like long-term use of cortisone.
  • Nutrition – Lack of calcium and vitamin D leads to poor bone structure development.
  • Age – Persons with higher age has a bigger chance of falling due to general weakness and poor balance.
  • Physical inactivity – Physical activity in particular weight training stimulates bone growth with good density and muscle stability to control motion.
  • Training intensity, frequency or duration – a sudden boost, accelerating into any of these (especially high impact training) puts more strain on your tibia bone.
  • Training surfaces and inappropriate footwear – Changing from a treadmill to road running or using worn out shoes increases the load going through your tibia, that’s poorly conditioned to absorb the volume of crunching force through your tibia.

Signs of a tibia fracture

Tests that you can do at home if you suspect you have a tibia fracture

  • Stand next to a chair so that you can hold onto it for balance.
  • Now, lift up one foot so that you are standing on one leg for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat this test by standing on your other leg and compare what you felt.
  • If you felt pain in your lower leg or shin or even worse, you were unable to stand on your sore leg, it could be a sign of a tibia fracture. This includes proximal and distal tibia fractures as well as tibia shaft fractures.
  • Getting the right treatment for a tibia fracture is important, so rather seek help.
  • Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart and arms hanging next to your sides.
  • You can stand behind a chair to hold on for balance if you need to.
  • Lift the foot of your uninjured leg off the floor and hold it there for 30 seconds.
  • Do not continue if standing on one leg is painful.
  • Turn your hips from side to side (twist) in this position, while keeping your foot planted in one position.
  • If you felt pain in your lower leg or shin or even worse, you were unable to stand on your sore leg, it could be a sign of a tibia fracture. This includes proximal and distal tibia fractures as well as tibia shaft fractures.
  • Getting the right treatment for a tibia fracture is important, so rather seek help.
  • Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart and arms hanging next to your sides.
  • You can stand behind a chair to hold on for balance if you need to.
  • Lift the foot of your uninjured leg off the floor and hold it there for 30 seconds.
  • Do not continue if standing on one leg is too painful.
  • Lift your heel off the ground by doing a calf raise and flop back down. Repeat this 10 times.
  • If you have sharp pain in your lower leg or shin when jumping or landing, it could be a sign of a tibia fracture. This includes proximal and distal tibia fractures as well as tibia shaft fractures.
  • Getting the right treatment for a tibia fracture is important, so rather seek help.

How bad is it?

Even though there’s many different kinds of tibia fractures, each one is still a very serious type of injury. If the fracture segments are displaced, it probably needs to be fixated back into place with surgery. When the bone shatters into many different fragments (comminuted tibia fracture), it is much harder to fixate all the pieces back together again. An open fracture makes it much more complicated, because now you have to recover not just from a fracture, but from soft tissue injuries as well.

When it comes to tibia stress fractures, early detection is key to unlock the true impact profile. This determines your risk before catastrophic failure. Would you continue to jump and sprint if you knew your tibia is actually cracking? Regardless of how your tibia is broken, getting the right guidance and treatment is crucial, whether you look at it from a medical perspective or a functional perspective.

It could be a life-threatening injury

  • Tibia fractures can cause severe trauma to the surrounding tissue like tearing into muscle tissue and skin or cut through nerves and arteries that run alongside the bone. This leads to nerve damage and weakness.
  • If the swelling in your lower leg gets too severe, it leads to compartment syndrome. The swelling builds up inside the muscle compartments of your lower leg and starts to compress arteries and nerves. In a case like this, surgery is necessary to relieve the pressure. Bleeding, swelling and circulation problems can cause blood clots in your leg. If a blood clot moves to your heart, lungs or brain this can cause a heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism.
  • Lung infections (pneumonia) and can become a problem if someone is not moving enough after the surgery.
  • Infection is always a risk after surgery, or if you had a traumatic injury with open wounds.
  • There is a chance that you could get long-term damage to the knee or ankle joint surfaces, eventually causing arthritis.

Functional disability

As physiotherapists, we look at your injury from a functional perspective. Meaning, how has this injury affected your daily life, whether you had surgery or not. Disability can be described as a disadvantage or handicap that limits a person’s movements and actions. Tibia fractures directly limit the movement of your knee and ankle joint, not to mention the ability to step on your leg. Even if you had surgery years ago, it could still be a problem.

  • If your tibia fracture surgery is successful, you will be able to walk and get back into your routine quite soon afterwards. However, if you don’t recover well, it could leave you weak and dependent on a crutch or a walking frame.
  • It is possible that your injured leg will be shorter than your other leg after an injury like this. If the fractured bone is damaged, you lose some of the bone tissue. A shorter leg causes permanent difficulty when you walk, like limping even years after you had surgery.
  • Even if you don’t need surgery, you’ll have to keep weight off of your leg for the bone to attach. This includes walking with crutches and not exercising. Your body deconditions and you’ll have to work hard on strengthening and get you back into shape.

Diagnosis of a tibia fracture

Physiotherapy diagnosis

Our physiotherapists are experts in human anatomy and movement with the necessary experience to diagnose a serious injury to your tibia and shin. If we suspects a fracture, you will be referred for x-rays and an orthopaedic surgeon if necessary. Even if you had a broken tibia in the past and you are still struggling with lower leg pain, we can accurately diagnose your problem, identify the relationship with the known history and develop a treatment plan. Sometimes your pain is directly related or completely different issues.

During your evaluation, we do movement and stability tests of your shin to pinpoint what is causing your pain. We will also test the surrounding muscles and joints to confirm or rule out other injuries in order to accurately identify where your pain is coming from. This is how we determine the best treatment plan for your specific injury. To prioritize the culprits, set up a order of hierarchy and, changes that must be made to create the a healing environment.

A tuning fork has a sensitivity of 75% and 67% accuracy to accurately locate the site of the tibia bone fracture. This is a inexpensive quick way to know if your tibia is cracked, broken or shattered.


X-rays are effective to show the bone integrity and alignment of your ankle, knee or shin bone. This is the cheapest fastest way to visualize and rule out a fracture. The fracture site, size of fragments, separation and location is crucial to determine the treatment approach.

Your physiotherapist will refer you for x-rays if necessary.

Diagnostic ultrasound

Diagnostic ultrasound is the second option if X-rays are clean. However, it can be very useful to identify signs of a stress fracture by looking for bone bruising, bone oedema, periosteal thickening and even rule out muscle tears, tendon ruptures or ligament sprains.

If you need an ultrasound, your physio will refer you.


An MRI or CT scan shows all of the structures in and around your knee, ankle or shin bone. This includes bones and soft tissue like muscles, ligaments and nerves. This test is useful if we suspect that the fracture extends into your knee or ankle joint, involving the connecting surfaces of the joints. However, these tests are expensive and not always necessary from the start.

If your physiotherapist suspects that you have a tibia fracture or a deeper soft tissue injury in your lower leg, you will be referred to the right specialist for further imaging.

Why is the pain not going away after my tibia fracture?

Initially, after you had a tibia fracture, the pain in your lower leg is normal. The pain serves as a warning and protective mechanism to keep you from doing anything too strenuous. It reminds you that your broken leg still needs to heal. If everything goes according to plan, your pain should decrease as you recover. However, if you neglect to work through a structured program, you’ll continue to feel pain. With time, it bothers you more and more. It even prevent you from walking properly and your leg gets painful, weak and stiff. You become stuck in a cycle of pain, not knowing if it is better to move or not.

Tibial stress fractures are particularly challenging and poorly managed in the medical profession due to it’s biomechanical nature of origin. This means that muscle imbalances, foot alignment, training intensity and many other components gradually fails, one after the other. Your body tries to adapt and accommodate but each tactic eventually breaks down to end up placing more and more crushing and wringing forces through your tibia bone. The mistake is to think that crutches or a moon boot for a few weeks will fix the problem. In our experience that’s just the way to ensure you’ll develop the same problem again. Disperse the force absorption to the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons has a much better success rate.

The right treatment from the start

Getting an accurate diagnosis guides the prognosis (recovery time).This includes getting the right medical treatment and working through a proper rehabilitation program. The recovery program after a fracture spends a lot of time fixing the secondary fallout caused by the fracture namely the muscle tears, torn ligaments and ruptured tendons. We rebuild capacity to strengthen, endure and absorb load through the bone in a safe increments.

This is the only way to ensure that you get back on your feet, so that you’re able to walk, climb stairs, drive a car or exercise again. Maybe you feel like you didn’t recover well from a broken shin that happened years ago, because you’re still walking with a painful limp. Don’t lose hope. You can still get help. Your fracture might have healed, but the pain that you are feeling is caused by other problems. Weakness of surrounding muscles, poor knee and ankle stability or even a difference in your leg length are some of the things that can cause pain even years later.

What NOT to do

  • Continuous use of over the counter anti-inflammatory medication

  • Self-treat

  • Manage the pain with pain medication alone

  • Stretch through the pain

  • Walk, run, jog through the pain

  • Do not ignore pain that gets worse

  • Use crutches for extended periods

  • Leave it untreated, if you are uncertain of the diagnosis, rather call us and be safe

What you SHOULD do

  • Rest as needed

  • Adapt or avoid activities that is making your pain feel worse (like running)

  • Use crutches initially to take weight off of the broken bone

  • Make an appointment to confirm the diagnosis and determine how severe the tissue damage is.

  • Follow through with your rehabilitation programme

Making it worse

  • Standing on one leg

  • Walking

  • Running

  • Climbing stairs

  • Jumping

  • Driving

  • Skipping

  • Turning around suddenly

  • Squats

Problems we see when patients come to us after they had a tibia fracture

Waiting too long before getting proper treatment

A common problem we see is that patients wait too long before they start working through a proper rehabilitation programme. Often, patients feel they need to rest and recover for a few months after a fracture, when in fact they can start with safe movements quite soon after. With time, you get used to walking with a painful limp or walking with a crutch, and you never fully recover. Now, the problem is a lot more advanced and it will take a lot longer to get better.

Trying out, but not completing different forms of treatment

Often, while recovering from a broken tibia, patients try to get pain relief through medication or injections alone. However, these treatments will only give you temporary pain relief, because you are not addressing the root of the problem. The pain that you are feeling in your lower leg is due to poor knee and ankle stability, weak muscles and a poor walking pattern. The only way to address this is by working through all the steps of a rehabilitation programme. The aim should be for your tibia and surrounding soft tissue to get used to carrying weight again. It takes time and effort, but it will be worth your while.

Resting too much or too little

Resting too much leaves you weaker than before. Moving too much causes extra pain and inflammation. Finding the balance between resting and doing safe movements is key!

Use of crutches

While recovering from a tibia fracture, initially, you might need a walking frame or crutches to walk. Eventually you need to stop using crutches and walk without any help to encourage bone remodeling and hardening. However, people tend to become dependent, weak and unstable. You need to ask yourself the question: “Am I using my crutch because I really need it or am I using it simply because I am scared or too lazy to exercise to get my leg stronger?”

Physiotherapy treatment after a tibia fracture

Our experienced team of physiotherapists can help you to find the cause of your shin pain to get rid of the uncertainty. We know the right questions to ask and which tests to do to either confirm or rule out a tibia fracture.

Your first session will always start with a detailed assessment to get as much information as possible about your problem. This gives us an idea of possible diagnoses and which tests we need to perform. Testing involves putting stress on different structures like the knee joint, ankle joint and surrounding ligaments, muscles and tendons to find the root cause. We also look at muscle strength, joint range of motion, flexibility and quality of movement.

During the course of treatment your physiotherapist will provide guidance and answers while implementing an effective plan of action. Therapy is not a sprint, it’s a journey and our experienced health professionals are with you, every step of the way.

Phases of rehabilitation

1st Phase: Inflammation and pain control

Pain control is first up, so that your day-to-day movements feel manageable. Initially, you must not step on your leg, so you will have to use crutches. Pain medication is very helpful during this phase. You must elevate your foot on a pillow whenever you have the chance, ut at least 3 times a day for 10 minutes.

Our goal during this phase are to allow for bone healing and move only within the limits of your pain. As physiotherapists, we can encourage tissue healing by using dry needling, laser, strapping and neural mobilisations.

2nd Phase: Range of motion

As your pain starts to improve, our goal now focus on improving your range of movement. Especially in your knee and ankle. Even if you had surgery and you’re not allowed to move much, it is important to maintain the movement that you do have. Often, stiffness sets in after the initial pain settles.

We use joint , neurodynamic and soft tissue mobilisations to improve the available range of motion. Start with safe, non-weightbearing exercises like isometrics and isotonic muscle contraction over the fracture site.

3rd Phase: Weightbearing until union

Using crutches and not stepping on your injured leg is bound to set back your walking pattern. Often, just getting used to putting pressure through the tibia and lower leg is an exercise in itself. You’ll need to work on balance and leaning with all your weight on your injured leg. It takes practice, but after a while you’ll find it’s much easier to walk without any problems.

At the end of this phase of your treatment, you must be able to stand, walk and balance on the fracture’s side with as little support as possible.

4th Phase: Muscle strength and joint stability

This phase of treatment focusses on strengthening the muscles surrounding your tibia. Repeated contraction of muscles, improve their strength. Stronger muscles have the capacity to work harder and endurance to stand for longer periods. Standing up, walking and climbing stairs are some of the basic activities that you must get back to. With time , we progress your exercises by adding resistance, doing more repetitions and using multi-directional movements, like climbing up a step, as part of your strengthening program.

By the end of this phase you must be walking without any crutch and walk at a slow pace on even terrain. You should be able to climb down a stair without support, and bend your knee to 60 degrees without falling over.

5th Phase: Stimulate bone remodeling

Gradually returning to your routine and getting used to the intensity of your usual activities is a big part of your recovery. We need to determine if you are ready to return to fully working and exercising any painful flare-ups. Even with repetitive movements throughout your day (like walking around your office) or more load (like running), your tibia and the surrounding muscles should be able to carry the load. Your physiotherapist will guide you to re-engage in safe increments, and help you with further strengthening.

Here the milestones are achieved when you can hop over a step with one leg, jump down from a step and land on the fractured tibia’s leg while keeping your balance. Sitting on your haunches, and getting up 10 times. Perform 10 consecutive single leg jumps.

6th Phase: Sport specific training and final clearance tests

Certain activities require precise balance, high power, speed and endurance. We need to ensure that your tibia is able to handle the stress that these activities puts on it. Your physiotherapist will challenge you past your normal boundaries to determine how your body reacts to different forces. This a more advance progam that cahllenges and prepares you for multi-directional stability, endurance, power and external reaction forces. All of this needs to happen in preparation for your return to your sport.

Now we can sign off on your recovery, knowing you’re safe.

Healing time

It takes anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks for the initial healing of your broken tibia bone to attach. Getting back to a fully functional level and actively exercising or participating in sport takes 3 to 6 months. Many indirect factors can accelerate or even slow down recovery, this is why monitoring by a physiotherapist plays a vital role. To adjust, adapt and overcome temporary setback and keep the momentum in your recovery.

Together with a tibia fracture, other surrounding muscles, nerves or ligaments usually get injured as well. This complicates things and increases your recovery time. At first, our main concern is bone healing, but during the weeks and months it will take to recover, there are numerous things that needs our attention as well. It is important to start with physiotherapy as soon as possible to prevent longstanding problems of compensation, muscle weakness and poor healing. Initially, you must attend physiotherapy treatment twice a week. After this, your treatment sessions are spread out to once a week or once in two weeks.

It is important that you get a follow-up x-ray about 12 weeks after your initial injury to monitor bone healing. Your orthopaedic surgeon or physiotherapist can refer you for x-rays. If your bone structure heals well and you complete your physiotherapy treatment protocol, you should be able to recover completely and return to your sport. This follow-up examination may bring new information to light, like delayed healing or abnormal bone attachment. Your practitioner will adapt your program accordingly.

Other forms of treatment

  • Pain medication: Initially, you need medication to manage your pain, but it must be reduced incrementally to not delay tissue healing.
  • Cortisone injections: Your doctor might suggest that you get a cortisone injection if your pain persists. This could ease any discomfort and pain from inflammation. However, long-term use of cortisone is not good for the integrity of your joints and if the problem is of a biomechanical nature, it won’t be the solution to your problem.
  • Getting a manipulation done: Your knee or ankle might feel stiff after you had a tibia fracture. Maybe it feels like it needs to be ‘clicked’ back in. However, getting a manipulation or re-alignment done is not a good idea. At worst it could break down bone bridging and put pressure on healing bone.
  • Seeing a biokineticist: When you have worked through your treatment plan with your physiotherapist and need help with further rehab, a biokineticist are valuable to help you get take it to the next level.
  • A moonboot and crutches: Giving it space to heal properly, without added strain. However, as the bone structure fuses, it must becomes stronger again, you need to increase the weight on your leg. With time, you need to be able to walk without any assistance, or you risk abnormal bone healing or not healing at all.
  • Stretches can make the injury worse by putting more strain and tension on the injured bone. It won’t help to try and stretch the pain away.

Will I need surgery for a tibia fracture?

Chances are that treatment of your tibia fracture are more than 55% likely to involve surgery to fixate the different bone fragments together, with a hospitalization of about 4 -9 days. It’s secures the tibia fragments. An orthopaedic surgeon uses various devices such as nails, plates, screws and rods to stabilise and fixate the tibia fracture. The only type of tibia fracture that doesn’t need surgery is a stress fracture and a distal avulsion fracture. Both of these still needs time to heal and you must walk with a moonboot or a cast to keep the weight off of the bone shaft.

After surgery, rehabilitation is the only way to get you back on your feet. Initially, your surgeon might not permit certain movements and you won’t be allowed to step on your operated leg. However, you are allowed to start with physiotherapy in the day after your surgery. Even if you aren’t allowed to do much, your physiotherapist can help you by passively moving your leg and showing you safe exercises to do. This way, when the orthopaedic surgeon gives you the green light to to start moving, your physio is up to date and ready to progress your treatment.

We work with a network of expert orthopeadic surgeons that has proven their expertise. We can refer you to the best specialist that suits your problem. Even If you are not happy with the physiotherapy you have received after your surgery, give us a call. We can help you with post-operative rehabilitation whether it happened recently or long ago.

What else could it be?

  • Shin splints – deep, severe ache right against your shin bone that gets more intense and sharper with exercise, especially running.
  • Tibialis anterior tendonitis – feels worse when you flex your foot (pull your toes up towards you). Pain usually feels more superficial and sometimes like ankle pain. Specifically sore with movement, not bearing weight.
  • Osgood Schlatter’s disease – pain just below your kneecap that feels worse with jumping or getting up from a chair. Better with rest. Often seen in children and teenagers.
  • Patella tendonitis – similar to Osgood Schlatter’s, but can happen at any age. Knee movements make the pain worse, especially straightening your knee.
  • Knee osteoarthritis – characterized by knee stiffness in the morning and eases with movement as your knee “warms up”.
  • Ankle ligament sprain – happens after “rolling” your ankle. A severe ankle sprain can cause an avulsion fracture of the tibia or fibula.

Also known as

  • Proximal tibia fracture
  • Tibial shaft fracture
  • Distal tibia fracture
  • Fractured shin bone
  • Stress fracture of the tibia
  • Broken ankle
  • Knee fracture

Causes of

This is the primary factors determine the likelihood of developing ….

Predisposing factors that leads to, directly or indirectly can be linked to this type of problem,

meaning the activities, movements, and positions, systemic underlying conditions that directly flares-up, worsen and keep on causing the problem to get worse

Symptoms of

Symptoms are the words your patient will use – in a subjective assessment.

Try to resonate the exact words used by your patients to describe it to you. Then Read your symptoms again and imagine a patient reading it to you… (Does it fit into the Title Diagnosis) can you describe it even better (signs they haven’t even noticed yet)

Remember – Symptoms are Subjective Feelings of the patient. Use the words you expect a fractured fibula patient will say… Clicking, Stinging pain, Wabble, – Not “Abnormal movement of your lower leg” Rather describe what you expect to hear them say.

In this section more vague includes more scenarios, than specifics.

Use emotions to describe what they might feel:

  • Hesitant to even open a door
  • Scared to lay on that side, climb over a step
  • Difficult to work on your computer
  • Uncertain if you can train

Tests that you can do to see if you have a …

Self-test your … at home with these modified tests and see if you might have a ….

Use your key phrases abundantly here, if you need a few more.

  1. Load progression in your tests.
  2. Do not use “try to..” – keep to clear instructions. It’s an ‘must do’ instruction. These are tests, must be clear and simple, and avoid words like: “attempt” “try”
    “attempt to cross your painful leg”, “attempt to bend”, “try and twist”.

Describe at least:

  • Weight-bearing
  • Loaded
  • Unloaded
  • Stretch/ End of Range
  • Sit upright on a chair
  • Slowly lean forward as if to reach down to put on your shoes
  • Come back up into an upright seated position
  • Pain and tension in your lower back at any point during these movements may indicate that you have muscle pain and spasms in your lower back
  • Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart and arms hanging next to your sides
  • Bend sideways to one side
  • Slowly bend as far as you can go and come back up
  • Repeat this movement to the other side
  • Pain or tension in your lower back at any point during this movement may indicate a muscle pain and spasms in your lower back
  • Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart and your arms next to your sides
  • Turn your upper body to one side as far as you can go (almost like you want to reach the back of your leg with your hand)
  • Repeat this movement to the other side
  • Pain or tension in your lower back may indicate muscle pain and spasms in your lower back
  • Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart
  • Try to tilt your pelvis back, flattening your lower back
  • Keep your lower back and the rest of your back as flat and straight as possible while slowly bending forward
  • Bend as far as you can and come back up, while keeping your back as flat and as straight as possible
  • If you feel pain or tension in your lower back or even an inability to control the movement, you could have muscle pain and spasms in your lower back

How severe is my….?

Choose 4/6 of the below signs and DISCUSS that you (as a professional) use to identify and classify as more severe than another person with the same diagnosis.

Meaning: Imagine there’s a group of 20 patients, all with this same diagnosis and you must rank them from ‘less severe’ to ‘more severe’ ~ What markers/ signs will you look for to make your hierarchy and group them?

  • Frequency – Intermittent/Constant/ re-occuring
  • Movement or static positions (rest) flare pain.
  • Duration – Days, Weeks, Sudden, Short burst, change position of your … eases the pain.
  • Size – Radiate – Shoulder, Upper back, Head…
  • Intensity (pain) – bearable, pain doesn’t stop you, hesitant to
  • Colour: Bruising, Blue, Red,
  • Loading: Contraction, Low load required to bring on pain, High load (jump)
  • ROM: Limitation? Less than 10 degrees limitation (not a  problem) vs completely locked up.
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Intensity: Discomfort – Painful – Sharp sting

WHY is it a serious type of injury?

On a scale from 0-10 describe a picture of Regression.

  • Ligament tear Gr 1 – 3
  • Muscle strain, micro tear – complete separation split in fibers
  • Tendon phase of degeneration
  • Cartilage erosion, plugging, tears


Physiotherapy diagnosis

Describe a sentence to give the patient confidence that we’re the equipped/best at diagnosing this problem.
“We can handle it” vs “Our knowledgable expert physiotherapists are well versed, confident, and experienced in their approach to diagnosing your…”

We follow a structured plan to diagnose, classify the severity, and determine the hierarchy of priority that your knee needs. We stress, screen and scan all the possibilities that could be causing your pain. Identify any other injuries to surrounding structures. If there is an injury to the ligaments, meniscus, muscles or nerve, or cartilage we will find it.

We understand the physiological healing stages you’ll go through, and custom-fit your treatment program. By knowing the extent of the tissue damage we can guide you through a structured program to recover faster and safely return to the things you love doing. That’s why our physiotherapists are the best at diagnosing this type of problem.

Why is it crucial to get/understand a diagnosis? Does it mean anything? Or is it a death sentence? or will you treat it differently if you know what you’re dealing with?


Muscles cannot be seen on an x-ray, so it will not be effective to diagnose a muscle spasm. X-rays will however show the integrity and alignment of joints in your spine. This will enable us to see if something is wrong with the structure of the bones in your spine or if there is a loss of disc space.

What are you looking for on an X-ray? Cortical stress lines, Displacement measurements, What Classification is done via X-ray?

Your physiotherapist can refer you to get x-rays taken if necessary.

Diagnostic ultrasound

Diagnostic ultrasound can be used to show the presence of a muscle tear (muscle strains), inflammation, swelling or simply increased contraction of a muscle (muscle spasms).

If you need an ultrasound, your physio will refer you.


An MRI scan can image all of the structures in your lower back, including soft tissue, discs, nerves and bones. However, for a muscle spasm an image like this is unnecessary and very expensive. If your physiotherapist suspects anything more than just a muscle spasm, you will be referred to the right specialist.

Is an MRI necessary for this diagnosis – if not when could it become a necessity?

Why is the pain not going away?

Discuss why the pain does not improve –

  • This section assumes that NO intervention/ treatment/ personal care/medical attention is applied….
  • A patient that leaves his fracture untreated, undiagnosed, what will happen
  • Without treatment “wait and see” approach. – what’s wrong with it and the problems they’ll face.
  • There is a risk of more critical and possibly irreversible damage if you don’t take the warning signs seriously.
  • What slows down your recovery period
  • Discuss – Non-union, Malunion, Prolonged healing, Abnormal Calllus formation,ect.
  • You become stuck in a cycle of pain, not knowing if it is safe to move or not
  • Make sure you are getting the right treatment from the start
  • Without intervention, or treatment why is the tissue state not improving?

Why will this condition NOT resolve or recover on it’s own

Remember here, you don’t need to justify or explain. Only state the instruction. (Delete this text block)

What NOT to do

  • Continuous use of anti-inflammatory medication, as they are thought to delay healing

  • Manage the pain by only taking pain medication or muscle relaxants. You are only masking the symptoms of something more serious

  • Stretch through the pain

  • Walk, run, jog through the pain

  • Do not ignore back pain that gets worse (it could be an sign of a deeper problem)

  • Leave it untreated, if you are uncertain of the diagnosis, rather call us and be safe

What you SHOULD do

  • Rest as needed
  • Avoid activities that is flaring up your pain, like sitting for long hours or bending

  • Make a list of movement or activities that brings on your pain and rank them

  • Make an appointment to confirm the diagnosis and determine how severe the tissue damage is.

  • Finish your treatment and rehabilitation programme for better long-term results

Making it worse

  • Specific movements, positions or even sports that we know will definitely make it worse. Just mention the top culprits.

  • Bending down to tie shoelaces

  • Picking up your child

  • Climbing stairs

  • Walking uphill

  • Running

  • Deadlifts

  • Jumping

  • Wearing high heels

  • Driving

  • Working at your computer

Problems we see when patients come to us with …

Complications (guaranteed, or high probability of developing with this problem/diagnosis/condition.

  • One concept per paragraph. Explain What resistance or problems can you encounter during the treatment process. Stay to the core message.
  • Speak to your patient as if each of these is happening to them.
  • Explain the WHY it’s a problem, not only state “it’s a problem”, but why…
  • Not bullets – they are only to guide your thoughts. Choose a few (not all), and explain why its more severe.
  • E.g. Not staying in the sling for the recommended period, “Taking the sling off occasionally to drive” Explain why its a problem.
  • Compensation expectations
  • Reasons that delay recovery time

Pain medication (how long is normal/ acceptable)

Misconceptions about treatment

Physiotherapy treatment

Please inspire confidence in your ability to test, identify, diagnose and treat/ deal with this.


Our priority is to determine the extent of the damage to your piriformis muscle. Then, we test the structures surrounding your hip and lower back to clear the nerve pathway and resolve the sciatic nerve pain. Avoiding nerve compression is crucial to prevent relapse and restore the sciatic nerve’s regular sliding. We must protect the muscle from overworking by differing forces away from the piriformis muscle, strengthen the surrounding muscles, correct the compensation, and retrain the correct firing pattern. This allows time for the piriformis muscle to adapt and heal. Our practitioners bring on a change and monitor the results until it’s working, and then we magnify the effects to get even better outcomes.

Patient asks you:
“So why should I come see you for … ?”
Your answer is…

  • We can provide the best treatment for, provide guidance and answers., Implement a very effective and structured plan of action like
  • Use the antonyms of the words the patient complains of. Instibility – stability/stable, Fear – confidence, worried – calm/carefree, anxiety – serenity
  • And we will also look at (muscle strength, joint range of motion, flexibility, ligament stability, and nerve control.)
  • Gradual strengthening, control, and conditioning.

Phases of rehabilitation

Keep your focus on the primary problem structure.

As long as I can see progression & functional expectations changing, Example:

  1. crutches
  2. 20% Weight (limited ROM)
  3. 50% weight (FROM)
  4. 100% weight with concentric & eccentric contractions
  5. Speed & Power (Jump)

Please work the PEACE & LOVE protocol into the Plan of Action (Not all in the first phase)

  1. Balance on one leg
  2. Perform a lunge
  3. Squat to 90 degrees
  4. Balance reactions (stepping out sideways, forwards & backwards)
  5. Jump & Land from a step
  6. Do a Single leg jump
  7. Sit in a crouched position & get up
  8. Jump over a hurdle

1st Phase: What you want to achieve (Week 0 – 1)

Functional expectation, what we’ll do.

E.g. “Our first aim is to get the proper diagnosis and identify and prioritize any contributing factors to your unique problem. Now, we can guide you in avoiding any aggravating activities for the time being and managing your symptoms. This includes a list of things that are safe to do and some that are not. ”

To progress to the next stage you should be able to …

2nd Phase: What you want to achieve in Week 1 – 2

What needs to happen in the tissue/ pathology to fix it

This is the thing you should be able to do by now

3rd Phase: What you want to achieve in Week 2 -3

Treatment elaborated

This is what you need to be able to do with ease so we can progress to the next phase of treatment.

4th Phase: What you want to achieve in Week 3 – 4

Re-inforce, strengthen, guide,

What you should be able to do by this stage is ….

5th Phase: Test return to normal life Week 4 – 6

To makes sure you’re safe to turn to

  • Driving you should be able to
  • Jogging you should be able to
  • Run you should be able to
  • Work

6th Phase: Final medical clearance tests (Week 

By now, you should be able to jump and throw, but there are some specific stress tests you should be able to do.

By now, you should be able to return to your routine. During the final week of your …….. treatment, we want you to be able to train at your full capacity. ………….. should be able to handle stretch stress, max load, and compressive forces.

So we can sign off on your recovery, knowing you’re safe.

Healing time

Physio protocol time frame for healing (weeks/months)

  • A full recovery and return to sport will take longer and should not be confused with the healing period.
  • It takes about 3 to 4 months to return to exercise and sports.
  • You will need physiotherapy treatment twice a week for the first two weeks.
  • After this, your treatment sessions can be …
  • Remember: “Non-operative Treatment” or Non- Surgical Not conservative

Other forms of treatment

This section is about other treatments that can help the process services that can help – but we don’t provide.

  • Your doctor (GP) will probably
  • Pain meds, injections,
  • Getting your back or neck ‘aligned’ or ‘clicked’ in the hopes of improving the … will not improve the state of the muscle or change your pain. It could even worsen or trigger a muscle spasm. You need to look at the bigger picture.
  • A biokineticist will be able to help you in the final stages of your rehabilitation and get you back to training for your sport.
  • Wearing a back brace won’t be the solution to your problem.
  • Stretching or foam-rolling might ease your pain temporarily, but

Is surgery an option?

Surgery is necessary when …

  • These are the surgical checkboxes that must be ticked before surgery is even considered.
  • Surgery is only Halfway mark for a successful surgery, the rest is the reintegration, strengthening and adapting your body to the change.
  • Types of surgeries that can be done.
  • Why is rehab important after surgery?

What else could it be?

  • Only mention a few (up to 5) differential Diagnosis
    • Describe one symptom or difference between the two that sets them apart
    • This section is for very similar Conditions but one or 2 differentiating factors.

Also known as

  • Synonyms
  • List key phrases (careful – start each bullet with different word)