Cilliers & Swart Physiotherapists are registered medical aid Physiotherapist service providers for all medical aids. We have two practices in Garsfontein in Pretoria east. Our Practice claims directly from your medical aid, or you can choose to pay us, and you will be able to claim it back from your own medical aid.
How it works
Medical aids approach certain key role makers in the medical industry and negotiates a tariff for every single treatment that we(physiotherapists) can provide. At the end of these discussions, we(physios) know how much the medical aid will pay for every one of our treatments.
So whats in it for us?
As part of our contracts with the medical aids, we (physios) are secured that we will receive payment from them when we treat their patients. Most medical aids pays us within 30 days of the treatment. This is very important in the medical industry due to the fact that we have to wait for your money days after the services has already been delivered. In some cases, we can wait much longer to receive our payments. So you can understand that Medical aids are generous in giving us an option to work together rather to improve your health.

Whats in it for the Medical aid members?
Medical aids give us guidelines that we(medical aid physiotherapists) must keep to, to prevent their members from paying any additional ‘co-payments’ when coming for treatment. This involves medical aids increasing their rates for certain treatment techniques, but also refuse to pay for certain unnecessary expenses (Needles, strapping).
We agree to the Medical aids’s policy and we keep to their terms and conditions. This helps us provide the best possible care for you, knowing that your medical aid understands your needs.
No Co-payment, Zero, Nothing, Nada
We don’t charge any co-payments for treatment. To understand this you must understand some insights in the medical industry.
When you want to visit a physiotherapist, doctor or any health care professional, that medical practitioner has his own price for his services. I will explain using two different scenarios:
Physiotherapist A asks R800 per session, Physiotherapist B asks R950 per session. Each medical aid sets up their own tariff for each treatment, technique, evaluation, test and procedure. So the Medical aid sets their price at R850 for a physiotherapist consultation. So this R850 is considered as 100% of the medical aid tariff.
Back to the scenario: When you go for treatment at Physio A there will be no additional costs (no co-payments) because the full amount will be covered. But if you go for treatment at Physio B, there will be R50 outstanding if only 100% of the tariff is covered by the medical aid. So who pays the additional R50? You! And its name is ‘co-payment’. So when you visit Physio B, you will have to pay R50 co-payment (additional, extra, more than you should have) for his or her services.
Some medical practitioners are contracted in at the medical aids, but they still charge a co-payment, be aware of this. I tell you this to warn you of some loop holes in the system.
We are honorable and honest men. So we repeat, we charge no co-payments, no extra, no additional, when you come for treatment.
Are you on a Medical Aid and looking for the best Physio?
No Hidden Costs
There are no additional costs for strapping, dry needling, or any other additional unforeseen cost.
Know how much funds are available
Do you just walk into a store and buy everything you want without checking how much money you have available? NO, first you check, then you buy.
This is why medical aids employs so many consultants, sales reps and admin staff to assist you in getting the info that you need. That’s what your medical aid consultant gets paid to do, if you don’t ask them to find out how much funds you have available, you could find yourself buying services without knowing your bank balance. This can save you time, money and frustration. You have the right to know, and we’re telling you what to look out for. Note
Know how much funds you have available
If you have a Hospital plan, you can’t use medical aid to pay for treatment
Our treatment is usually payed out the day-to-day benefit, meaning that any service that you receive that is not in the hospital while you are hospitalized, gets payed from the medical aid saving account. Most Hospital plans don’t have a Medical Savings account, so you will have to pay cash. You are able to pay by credit card, EFT or cash.
Treatment that Medical aids pay for:
Here are some of our treatments that the medical aid pays for:
Medical aids approach certain key role makers in the medical industry and negotiates a tariff for every single treatment that we(physiotherapists) can provide. At the end of these discussions, we(physios) know how much the medical aid will pay for every one of our treatments.
- Acute injury treatment
- Ultrasound
- Soft tissue massage
- Electrotherapy treatment
- Laser (Low Level Laser therapy)
- Acupuncture & Dry Needling
- Thermal therapy
- Kinesiology Tape
- Rigid Strapping or taping
- Neurodynamics (Nerve tissue mobilizations)
- Dynamic Strapping
- Strengthening exercises
- Guided loading protocol
- Stretches (Static, dynamic and ballistic)
- Compression Bandage or Sleeve
- Supportive strapping and taping
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Gait Analysis