Hip pain can come from any of your thighs, buttock or lower back muscles also your hip, sacroiliac and lower back joints. Hip pain is a puzzle and only the smartest and skilled medical professionals can solve it. Its helpful to identify which structure is causing your hip pain to know how to treat it. Injury or damage to hip muscles, joint, tendons and nerves produce very distinctive picture. The precise location and change in your hip pain can provide valuable clues about the underlying cause. The area of pain can identify structures with specific problems. Your hip is a complex region to determine where the pain is coming from due to the proximity to the lower back. It makes it difficult to distinguish if your pain is indeed coming from your hip or lower back. We test & diagnose the cause, explain the scope and then start your hip pain treatment from the very first session.
Our physiotherapists treat hip injuries from young dancers to 80-year-old patients with arthritis. Any pain from inside your hip joint will have a ripple effect on your knee, ankle and foot. So get it checked before you cause even more problems.
Causes of Hip pain
It’s a problematic assessment, and only a few medical practitioners can pinpoint the primary source of your pain. Hip pain must not be taken lightly, there is a reason why hip replacement surgery is such a well-known surgery. To understand where your hip pain is coming from, you’d have to determine how you injured it, or if you can remember when it started. Changes in your hip pain gives us many clues to understand where your pain is coming from, to establish the root cause. Trauma is more obvious, but in most cases hip pain creeps up on you over a few weeks, progressively getting worse.
Your hip contains some of the most important muscles, not to mention you use them every day. We rely on your hip muscles to stand up, walk and run. The structures in your hip is quite vulnerable to injury, especially overuse injuries. Repetitive movements like walking, climbing stairs and running is fine when only done a few times, but more than 5 000 steps a day under compromised tissue, quicky sends it into a downwards spiral. There are more than 88 structures in your hip that can get injured, some problems are more common than others, but just to be safe – we test them all.
Here’s a few conditions that we frequently see, and how things go wrong to cause hip pain:
Get to the root of your hip pain
Different structures, cause different types of hip pain, although these are not concrete it’s a good guideline to which structure produces what type of pain
- Muscle — Dull ache or stiffness, sharp pain with contraction
- Nerve — Numbness, tingling, weakness, electrical stabbing feeling
- Tendon — Burning pain with certain specific movements, pain comes & goes
- Joints — Cramp, constant stiff feeling, worse after rest, better with movement
- Labrum — Locking & pinching groin pain in your hip
- Fat pad — Pinching pain, pressure increases or decreases pain immediately
- Bursa — Pain only comes on after being active, better with rest
- Bone — Constant pain, sharp pain with certain movements
- Arteries — Pins & Needles, dead leg feeling, heavy feeling
- Cartilage — Sharp pain when at certain point, painful arch of movement
- Ligament — Pain at the end of range, unstable, clicking
- Referral from other joints — Difficult to pinpoint pain, vague painful area
Hip pain may be caused by:
- Overuse – Tendon inflammation, labrum injuries and arthritis
- Trauma – Contusions, fractures and labrum injuries as well as muscle or ligament strains.
- Repetitive – A high repetition of muscle contractions like increasing your running distance too fast. Tendons become inflamed causing tendinitis or bursitis (hip bursitis).
- Overload – The muscle is suddenly and forcefully contracted, as in overloaded leg press, squats or lunges.
- Overstretch – Muscles are vulnerable in a stretched position. When the hip structures forcibly extended beyond its normal boundaries, it will tear.
- Weakness – Muscle fatigue can play a role or general muscle weakness.
- Poor technique – During improper training loading can stress specific structures more.
- Poor Management – Neglecting an injury that has not entirely healed.
- Excessive stretching – of the muscle against a force, for example during weight lifting like a dead-lift.
- Instability – The femur buckles under load, and its not able to stay centered in the hip socket.
- Autoimmune – Rheumatoid arthritis
- Referral from other joints – Hip or the Lower back
- Referral from nerves – Irritation, compression of the femoral or sciatic nerves.
Size – The larger the area of your knee pain, is better, because muscles in your thigh stretch from your hip to below your knee. Pain tends to radiate along the thigh muscles and affect large areas. Muscles heal easier & recover faster.
Colour – Bruising in & around the outside, back and inside of your knee is quite common after a thigh tear, because of the high concentration of blood vessels in your thigh. These capillaries rupture & leak plasma that pools in your knee. Blue discoloration closer to the front of your knee is more concerning for it involves your knee ligaments.
Swelling – Swelling is your body’s way of healing itself by sending cells to heal the tissue. More swelling could mean more tissue damage, however not all knee injuries swell. Injury to tissue that develops over a few weeks doesn’t swell, because the tissue trauma is continuous and repetitive, so your body stops the inflammatory reaction. A new injury on an old problem is also possible.
Area – Knee pain at the front of your knee are more restrictive during walking, while pain at the back of your knee limits you from climbing down stairs. If your Knee pain causes you to limb you must be more concerned. Sharp pain over a small area makes it easier to pinpoint structures near your pain. Vague, dull & deep knee pain can take longer to identify the root cause. Compensatory patterns develop, sometimes it takes a while to just get rid of those.
Motion & sore knees
Stiff – Knee Stiffness followed by pain is regressing and getting worse. Seek help. Pain followed by stiffness is a good sign of tissue healing, specifically scar tissue formation. Scar tissue is hardening wound tissue that tends to shorten and pull on structures surrounding the injured site. This is more pronounced in muscle strains & tears, where the normal slide of muscles is restricted during a contraction.
Range of movement – Difficult moving your knee through its range is a big problem. A painful arch means the structure injured only takes tension over that specific range i.e Only painful when you move your knee the last 10 degrees. Knee pain over a smaller range of movement is not necessarily better. This may point to connecting joint surfaces being injured. If you feel pain only at the end of your range its less severe and easy to fix. When your knee pain stops movement completely and too painful to move you should definitely come see us as soon as possible.
Monitor over time:
Intensity – When you grade your pain from 0 – 10. You may think it’s not that bad because it’s not that painful. On the contrary, pain intensity is not a sign of how severe your tissue injury is for example, complete ruptures of ligaments are less painful than partial tears. When fibers are stressed while it’s anchors are completely loose, there’s not much pain, but fibers that are partially torn will produce severe knee pain. People have different pain thresholds, so be careful to ignore your knee injury.
Frequency – Pain that’s fleeting or intermittent, short burst of pain must not become more frequent and constant. This shows that the tissue damage is not getting any better. Pain that only lasts for a few seconds tend to heal faster, so the longer your pain lasts the faster you should get to us.
Latency – If your pain lags to come on and builds up over the day you must be very cautious. This is a sign of a relapse of your tissue pathology. It’s difficult to judge what makes it worse, because the pain only comes on a few hours after your activity, and not during.
Loading – Pushing through your knee pain while you are walking, climbing stairs and jogging is not a good idea. Putting compromised tissue under strain is dangerous. Would you tow a car with a partially torn cable? No! Because it just needs that final pull or jerk that could cause catastrophic tissue damage. Loading soft tissue without knowing what it’s able to handle is dangerous & reckless.
Hip Injuries
Hip pain is a common complaint that we treat daily. We have helped many patients successfully relieve their pain. Unfortunately, we frequently see patients suffering for months before they decide to get help. Usually, hip pain develops gradually, but it can occur as a result of sports injuries, work injuries or merely walking.
If you are suffering from hip pain, get it checked out. Do not delay in consulting your physiotherapist if you experience hip pain. Instead, do something about it and get it diagnosed as it is easier to treat early.
An accurate diagnosis is vital to manage your pain and treat it appropriately. Treating without a diagnosis is not ethical, as what works for one problem rarely works for another. There are so many home remedies that can cause complications; we strongly advise you to see an expert that work with these types of problems every day. Delayed treatment or misdiagnosis results in longer healing times, sometimes months extra.
Groin pain is one of the most common symptoms associated with hip joint pathologies such as hip osteoarthritis and hip labral injury. There are also many other causes of groin pain that need to be excluded by a health professional. More info: Groin Pain.
Only after a thorough hip assessment will your hip pain be effectively rehabilitated to relieve your current hip pain and joint dysfunction, plus prevent the return of any future hip pain.
Other Causes of Hip pain
- Joint – Hip joint pain, Labrum tear, Osteoarthritis of the Hip joint
- Muscles – Gluteus muscle strain, Quadriceps muscle tear, Groin muscle tear, Hamstring muscle tear
- Tendons – Quadriceps tendinitis, Gluteal tendinitis, Hamstring tendinitis
- Bursa – Hip Bursitis
- Ligaments – Inguinal ligament sprain
- Nerve- Pinched Sciatic nerve over the hip
- Bone – Femur Fractures, Avultion fractures or Stress fracture of Femur Head
- Iliotibial band
Diagnosis of Knee pain
Our physiotherapists know and understand the intricacy of the anatomy of your knee. There are many structures to test, and we even consider the complex biomechanics of your hip & ankle movements. We’ll accurately diagnose which structures are involved, and to what degree.
During your physiotherapy evaluation, we’ll be stretching & stressing the soft tissue structures like muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons. This way we can diagnose muscle tears, ligament sprains, tendinitis’s and nerve irritations. We’ll test different aspects like muscle strength, range of motion, flexibility and stability in order to confirm how severe your tissue damage is, which will dictate your treatment plan.
Gathering information through our evaluation allows us to make a diagnosis based on your individual injury. Then we’ll customize the treatment to your specific needs. Therefore our physiotherapists are the best at diagnosing knee pain & knee injuries.
The Process of Diagnosis:
There is a misconception that medical practitioners are able to know exactly that’s the problem the moment we see our patients. People tend to point to their knee and say, “treat it”. As if we already know what’s the problem by just looking at it. Sorry to disappoint, but unfortunately this is not how it works. Let me explain:
Diagnosis is a process of exclusion, not inclusion. Medical professionals are taught a process of elimination and deduction to identify the most possible diagnosises for your knee pain. The better you can describe & elaborate on your pain, the better picture you’ll give your Physio to understand what’s happened as well as, what you’re feeling. We perform tests on numerous structures to get even more clarity.
The practitioner uses their skills to eliminate diagnosis’s it’s not and zoom in on your problem. This elimination brings us to only a few possibilities to what could be causing your knee pain. Then we test & assess all our possibilities to get to the root cause. In many cases your main problem is not at the site of your pain due to compensation, guarding or it’s just the last straw that breaks (in a chain of movements). We encourage you to be honest and open about what you’re feeling – to clarify, carry on or change your Physio’s approach.
What needs to be tested to determine the source of the hip pain
- The movements from your ankle, knee and hip (how they interact with each other)
- Lumbar and Sacral vertebrae
- Pelvis (forwards and backwards tilt)
- Muscles surrounding the hip joint
- Core muscle control and pelvic floor muscles
- All the thigh muscles that attach onto the Femur (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Adductors)
- The Sciatic and Femoral nerves
- The articular surface of the Ball and socket joint of your hips

Physiotherapist treatment
We have seen many patients with knee pain and provide the best possible treatment for a faster recovery. Pain and stiffness after a knee injury prevent you to move and you might feel hesitant to move, or scared you’ll damage it even more. We know that you’re anxious about the unknown, so that is why we are here to guide you and give you all the answers.
Poor diagnosis makes your hip more vulnerable to injury and wears down the joint.
Your knee pain treatment will be tailored according to various factors, but just to give you a broad idea, our focus of our treatments are. Firstly to establish which structures are injured in your knee, and how bad is it. This puts the scope of the problem into full perspective. Usually there’s a knock on effect, where more than a few structures are involved, but we must determine what’s the order of priority.
Secondly, we must protect your knee from further injury and stop it form getting worse. Thirdly, we set the ideal conditions for tissue to recover. Now we can even accelerate and speed up your recovery and get tissue to heal. The last aspect of our process is monitoring your progress as you progress, making sure you achieve the goals and milestones. Our program must change as you adapt and get better.
We explain the extent of damage & the intricate details of your knee pain & how it may cause other problems.
Well Health Pro
Our team of experts can diagnose, test and treat any kind of knee pain. We work together to get rid of your pain as fast as possible. We have the best tools, techniques and machines to make sure you get the best value for your money. Our Physios will test a lot of different possibilities why you’re feeling this knee pain in order to explain what’s going on in your body. It all depends on the results of our tests to determine what needs to be done. All our physios are specialists that can determine the slightest problem coming from your knee, thigh or lower leg, so if you’re uncertain – we can help you.
Our experts determine the priority which problems to fix first. This means that we test movements to see if you may have a muscle imbalance, weakness, instability and much, much more. This is our expertise & what we’re best at. We’ll guide you every step of the way.
Knee pain Treatments we use
- Acute injury treatment
- Ultrasound
- Soft tissue massage
- Electrotherapy treatment
- Laser (Low Level Laser therapy)
- Acupuncture & Dry Needling
- Heat packs (Thermal therapy)
- Kinesiology Tape
- Rigid Strapping or taping
- Neurodynamics (Nerve tissue mobilizations)
- Dynamic Strapping
- Strengthening exercises
- Guided loading protocol
- Stretches (Static, dynamic and ballistic)
- Moon boot
- Brace
- Compression Bandage or
- Sleeve
- Supportive strapping and taping
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Gait Analysis
Hip Pain Treatment
- Acute injury treatment
- Ultrasound
- Medications
- Soft tissue massage
- Electrotherapy treatment
- Laser (Low-Level Laser therapy)
- Acupuncture & Dry Needling
- Heat packs (Thermal therapy)
- Kinesiology Tape
- Rigid Strapping or taping
- Neurodynamics (Nerve tissue mobilisations)
- Dynamic Strapping
- Strengthening exercises
- Guided loading protocol
- Stretches (Static, dynamic and ballistic)
- Moon boot
- Brace
- Compression Bandage or Sleeve
- Supportive strapping and taping
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Gait Analysis
Muscle pain
The primary muscle group in the back of the hip are the Gluteal muscles. There are a large number of muscles around the hip, each one doing its part to keep our hip joint stable. The gluteal group consists primarily of three muscles (Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus muscle). Underlying the three layers is an inner layer of muscles that mainly turn the hip outwards.
Firstly, in the front of the hip, we find the Quadriceps muscles. Secondly, at the back, the Hamstring muscles start just below the fold of our buttocks. Thirdly, on the inside is a group of four muscles forming the adductor group. And lastly, on the outside, the tensor fasciae latae and a thick band of connective tissue called the ITB (Iliotibial band).
The muscles around the hip are injured if stretched too far. Muscle strains are also known as ‘muscle tears/pulls’ or ‘torn/pulled muscles’ because of the way these injuries occur. The muscle tissue will tear if forcibly stretched resulting in an injury.
Inside the Hip joint
The inside of the hip joint has a ring of fibrocartilage called the labrum. The labrum makes the socket deeper and helps to stabilise the joint. Labrum tears can happen from increased pressure or strain to the structure. Labrum injuries also known as Labral tears are sometimes surgically repaired. However, in most cases, it is first picked up by a Physiotherapist and is treatable.
Large bursas (fluid-filled sacs) surround areas of the hip to allow the muscles and tendons to glide more easily over bony bumps. Hip Bursitis is a condition when this protective fluid-filled sac, becomes inflamed and irritated. Direct pressure over the bony point where the bursa is on the side of the hip will cause pain. These patients usually complain of being unable to sleep on their side because it is too painful.
A hip joint can refer pain downwards, or upwards towards the lower back. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The femur forms the ball, and the hip acetabulum forms the socket. The joint surfaces is lined with articular cartilage that allows the bones to move frictionlessly within the joint.
Also, the socket area has a fibrous labrum to increase compatibility. Just like any other joint cartilage, these areas can wear away or tear and become the source of pain.
Hip joint pain mainly presents close to the groin area as the hip sits about 2.5cm in and down from the crest of your hip bone. In contrast, a labrum injury presents with C-sign. This sign describes pain as on your hip by putting your hand over your hip with your thumb pointing backwards (Your thumb and index finger creates a “C” around your hip).
On the other hand groin pain when moving your hip is a warning sign of a problem inside the joint itself. Joint pain is challenging to pinpoint; therefore a skilled physiotherapist is necessary.
Hip joint issues arise from damage or injury to the hip ball-and-socket connection. Osteoarthritis (OA) is normal wear and tear of the joint and is a problem only if severe. Diseases can also attack and destroy the hip joint surfaces. The disease are commonly arthritis-type conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Juvenile arthritis and gout.
Tendon pain
Tendons are cables that anchor the bone to muscle to the bone. Every muscle has a tendon on either side of the muscle, the one at the top called the proximal tendon and one at the bottom, called the distal tendon. Either or both tendons can become irritated resulting in an inflamed tendon. The gluteal tendon is one of the most commonly damaged tendons in the hip.
The hamstring tendon that attaches onto our sitting bone can become irritated and give you a hamstring tendinitis. The Rectus femoris muscle attaches onto the front of the hip and can cause you to feel pain there.
Radiating pain
Structures outside the hip joint can refer pain to the joint. Meaning that while the hip hurts, the problem may potentially originate elsewhere. Inflammation or compression of the sciatic nerve, as it arises from the spinal cord in the back, can cause hip pain. Compression or inflammation in the L1 to L5 nerve roots can refer to the hip.
Other types of nerve inflammation may manifest as hip pain, including pain in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh. Pain from an inguinal or femoral hernia may also cause pain that is felt deep inside the hip and groin.
The hip joint is kept stable by a group of robust ligaments that must be able to allow movements into specific directions but prevent the femur head from popping out of its socket. Thick bands of tissue surround your hip joint, forming a capsule. Inside the capsule, constant negative pressure allows light suctioning to pull the joints together. The ligaments and capsule weave into each other and keeps the hip joints stable.
Ever seen a Ballet dancer do the splits? They take years to lengthen and condition their hips to allow such an increased range of movement. If you would jump into a split you may rip some of your hip ligaments and start experiencing clicking deep inside your hip. This ‘click’ is an abnormal translation of the ball & socket joint due to the hip ligaments not being able to stabilise your hip joint. Be very careful.
Nerve pain
Nerve supply to the hip comes from two big branches. The firsts is the femoral nerve in the front of the hip. The second is the sciatic nerve at the back. Irritation, compression or impingement of these nerves can cause a dull ache with sharp sting running down your leg.
Sciatica is the common condition that can cause thigh pain at the back of the leg and down to your toes. Pain radiating from your lower back down your leg is a problem.
The Older Hip
If you are in the older population group, you will be more vulnerable to age-related hip issues such as hip arthritis, trochanteric bursitis and GTPS (Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome). Functional limitations could include walking, sit to stand, single leg balance, stairs or even sleeping in severe cases.
Hip pain goes hand in hand with reduced balance. A thorough balance assessment may be required to predict a falls risk. Falls prevention exercises may be prescribed by your physiotherapist to address any individual problems. They may even advise you to use a walking aid such as a walking stick, crutches or a walking frame.
The Sporting Hip
Younger sports-related hip issues may come on after prolonged running, jumping or landing activities. Specific sporting hip conditions should be discussed and thoroughly assessed by your hip physiotherapist. Biomechanical issues and subtle hip weakness may only show on a slow-motion video.
How to Stop chronic, daily annoying knee pain
Without injections, Without taking painkillers and
WITHOUT having to wear a Support or Brace…
If you’re living with knee pain what just won’t go away, they’re painful or they ache – it’s very easy to think that it’s “just something that comes with age”, it’s a bit of “wear and tear”, or that it’s nothing and it’ll go away on its own.
You can’t quite point your finger on why you’re feeling the pain in your knee – but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better!
If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact, knee pain is one of the most common problems that we see in our Physio practice. When it comes to living with knee pain, everybody we see wants to know the answers to these questions:
Why am I still suffering with knee pain that keeps getting worse
Most people think that when they get knee pain, it’ll eventually “ease off” and go away on it’s own. That they’ll wake up one morning and like “magic”, your knee pain will be a thing of the past… But 3 months later you’re still living with the annoying knee pain, often even worse than it was at the start. Does that sound like you?
Another scenario we see all the time in our physiotherapy practice is when people go to their Doctors, and the well-meaning Doctor tells them to “rest”, “try these painkillers” and “come back in 6 weeks if it’s no better” – but then 6 weeks later, they end up going back to the same Doctor again because it hasn’t got any better, only to be given ANOTHER prescription of even stronger pills, and maybe a knee guard/ support.
Has this ever happened to you?
Maybe you’re confused because you’ve been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have to rest because you’ve been told walking makes knee pain worse, or that you should be doing ‘this exercise’ and ‘that exercise’ to make it better. It’s very confusing to know exactly what to do – and that’s just to avoid making your knee pain worse, not to mention getting back to jogging and all the other things you love to do.
And because of this confusion – this often leads people to procrastinate, and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their knee pain. Worse, many people just end up accepting it as “part of life” – as if it’s normal, as if it “has” to be that way. Is this how you feel?
We are here to tell you – this is NOT what you deserve. You are made for great things, your knee pain is just a bump in the road. Make a decision to help yourself be better.
Why is your knee pain lasting longer than it should?
Does this sound like you?
If any of these have happened to you – we would love to help you. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things already is actually a good thing, because when you know what doesn’t work – you are closer to finding the thing that does!
We invite you to come and see us. Why? Because we do things differently. We’ll do a thorough assessment and test all the possible causes. After we’ve diagnosed your problem, and explained what it’s going to need to heal, we’ll make sure you understand why this is happening.
If you’re looking for solid advice on how to start solving your problem, click the link below to book a FREE phone call. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. This is an opportunity to get an expert’s advice about your situation. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next.
What you can do to get rid of your knee pain quickly?
Ask our knee experts
If you would like to know how the Physiotherapy team at Cilliers & Swart can help you, we invite you to book a FREE, no-obligation, risk-free “Call me back” phone call.
Note: This Free Call is a service we offer to people who are nervous or unsure. You might not know if Physiotherapy is the right treatment for you. If you are unsure, please fill out our online form. We will contact you to find out what is wrong and how we can help. There is no financial obligation or risk on your part. You have nothing to lose except your pain.
Choose to see a Well Health Pro Physiotherapist to help you Get rid of your knee pain – in the next few days?
In short, our Team at can help you get back to living life free from knee pain. For information about costs and availability, click the button below:
Have you asked yourself these questions?
“How to put an end to Hip Pain & Stiffness – without taking painkillers, without risking surgery & without having to wait to see the GP!”
If you’ve got hip pain, stiffness or an ache – it’s very tempting to think that it’s nothing, that it will go away on its own. Or, you pass it off as having just “slept awkwardly”, or that it’s just a “spasm” or a bit of stiffness that “everyone” your age suffers from…
There’s no obvious reason why it happened – but it doesn’t seem to be shifting! If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – and we hear this type of thing all the time. Hip Pain and Sciatica is THE most common problem that we see in our physio practice in Pretoria.
And when it comes to living with hip pain, everybody we see wants to know
“Why is this happening to Me?” or,
“Why am I still suffering from Hip Pain after putting up with it for six months (Maybe even more)?”
Most people think that when they get Hip Pain, it’s just going to go away on it’s own.
That they’ll wake up one morning and like “magic”, it’ll be as if the hip pain never happened…
But then 6 months later you’re still living with hip pain – often even worse than it was when it came on.
Does That Sound Like You?
Another scenario we see all the time in our Physio Practice is when people go to the Doctors, and the Doctor tells them to rest and “try these painkillers” and “see how it goes”.
But this is rarely ever the best advice and often 6 weeks later, they end up going back to the Doctor again because it hasn’t got any better. Worse, they’re often given yet another prescription of even stronger pills, and advised MORE rest. This is madness and explains why so many people are suffering with chronic hip pain.
Has this happened to You?
Why else does hip pain last longer than it should? Well, it’s easy to get confused because you’ve been told different things, by different people. There’s lots of people out there who are happy to dispense advice – but not all of it is credible.
Maybe you think your hip pain was caused by doing something – like lifting or sleeping awkwardly – but it was caused by years and years of poor posture that caused the muscles in your hips to become weak and walking in that awkward position was just the EFFECT of that.
If you don’t know what you’re doing – hip pain can be very confusing. Many people just end up accepting it as ‘part of life’, thinking as if it’s normal and ‘just the way it is’.

Why is your hip pain lasting longer than expected?
Experiencing these situations or applying similar advice and not getting results is a good thing. Why? Because these experiences help you know what doesn’t work for you. It means that you are closer to finding out what does work for you!
We invite you to book an appointment with a Physiotherapist (at our Pretoria practice). During an appointment we assess your symptoms, diagnose the cause, educate you about what is happening in your body and then start treatment. See our FAQ for more in depth information about what to expect from a physiotherapy session.
Alternatively, click the link below to book a FREE phone call. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. This is an opportunity to get an expert’s advice about your situation. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision about what to do next concerning your hip pain.
4 steps to get rid of hip pain quickly.
If you would like to know how the Physiotherapy team at Cilliers & Swart can help you, we invite you to book a FREE, no-obligation, risk-free “Call me back” phone call.
Note: This free call is a service we offer to people who are nervous or unsure. You might not know if Physiotherapy is the right treatment for you. If you are unsure, please fill out our online form. We will contact you to find out what is wrong and how we can help. There is no financial obligation or risk on your part. You have nothing to lose except your pain.
What your patients say:
This was my first time visiting a physiotherapist. I received very professional service from everyone involved and can definitely recommend this practice to anyone struggling with Knee pain.
W Cornelius
After battling with knee pain for months I finally decided to seek out medical assistance and I wish I had done so sooner. They offer a professional service, are centrally located. They are very warm and welcoming. Nina was quickly able to diagnose the cause after just a few tests as well as other imbalances that I wasn’t aware of. I am very happy with her treatment plan for my knee and highly recommend them.
K Nieman
I’m a dancer with a knee ligament tear & meniscus tear with a great deal of pain, I started with Renier the day I got out of hospital. My surgeon told me, I would probably have to change carreers and that regardless, it would take me a minimum of 24 months rehabilitation before even thinking about trying a dance class again. Thankfully my Physios knew better. After 10 months of regular knee treatments and following the advice and rigorous rehabilitation procedure. I started dancing again – and haven’t stopped. Came back stronger and haven’t looked back since. I’ve been on a long journey. They are amazing!
T Vogel
I’ve been receiving excellent knee pain treatment from Nina. She is a skilled, knowledgeable and gifted therapist. Her treatment produces amazing results! Thank you, Nina!! You’re the best of the best!! I would highly recommend Nina.
M Laas
“The best in the business”
These Physios are very professional and knowledgeable. Struggled with knee pain for weeks, after 1 week of doing the physio exercises I could feel a big difference. Now I know cause of my problems and received the best advice and exercises to fix it.
L McLaren
Was in agony, never mind pain. He was professional and really helped to alleviate my knee pain. I enjoyed being “educated” every step of the way regarding the treatment and the progress. Definitely recommended the practice to family and friends. They are the best.
M v Rensburg