Our medical professionals consult with patients worldwide, providing expert diagnosis and treatment even in remote areas without local specialists. A physiotherapist’s opinion is invaluable in understanding your condition and guiding your recovery, offering relief and confidence in your healing journey. Limiting tissue damage is our top priority. Our international online physiotherapist appointments offer you the opportunity to have the undivided attention of a medical professional for a full hour. This means that you will have access to years of clinical experience and expertise at your fingertips.

When you take your car in for a service and tell the mechanic it makes a funny sound, it doesn’t take long to figure out the problem. Further investigation confirms or expands his search for the root cause. Similarly, getting a medical professional’s opinion on your situation is necessary. We can direct your thoughts and walk through the problem using clinical reasoning. Some movements and stress tests help us distinguish between structures, focusing on the core issue. We will share exercises and advice during the appointment to help manage your pain remotely.

Our practitioners, with their extensive training and clinical experience, have a comprehensive understanding of the pathological causes of pain. When you opt for an online physiotherapy consultation, you can be confident that you’re in capable hands. The expert advice you receive significantly reduces the time spent on your recovery and alleviates a considerable amount of pain, instilling hope and optimism in your healing process.

These are the main reasons why patients want to consult us online:

With hours of reading, you can name your problem, just like identifying the broken part of equipment, but you need to know how to replace it. A technician does it in a few seconds with ease.

Just like a dermatologist quickly identifies a concerning mole, a physiotherapist can diagnose your problem efficiently. With their extensive experience, they can recognize the issue, understand the healing process, and provide effective solutions, saving you time and worry.

Nerve, muscle, ligament, tendon, and joint injuries heal at different rates because of their cellular makeup. Muscles have direct blood flow that makes them heal fast; however, nerve regeneration is like watching grass grow, with many guaranteed setbacks.

The most overlooked issue is that tissue damage rarely occurs in isolation. A fracture always accompanies some form of muscle, tendon, and ligament damage. Even if it doesn’t make the top of the list, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. A good physiotherapist can identify the primary problem and mitigate the second-tier problems while recruiting support from synergistic systems to aid recovery.

You might be missing the contributing components that keep it sliding backward. During our online consultation, our practitioners monitor your progress, ensuring you reach the benchmark measurements while controlling the healing environment by limiting or encouraging motion in a specific way.

In some cases, you may not be equipped with the right tools for the job. Lack of treatment could end up costing you more, not to mention the frustration of dealing with the pain.

Physiotherapists, with their unique blend of applied physiology, anatomy, and pathology, are well-equipped to diagnose and treat a range of conditions. They understand tissue damage at a cellular level and have various methods to influence healing, guiding your recovery in the right direction. Certain professionals prefer to ultra-specialize in rare conditions that might not be the best tools you need, or they only have one tool, which is a dangerous recipe for disaster.

Physiotherapists are the best medical professionals to diagnose, treat, and monitor muscle, joint, nerve, ligament, and tendon pain in non-life-threatening cases.

There’s a lot of advice online, but you must understand that it’s not tailored to your specific situation. What’s best for your condition at this time? Some may need exercises, stretches, and dynamic mobilization, and others may need to take it easy for a few days after a flare-up. So, it depends on what healing and recovery stage you are in. i.e., 2 Patients with a Total knee replacement (same diagnosis) – one is 6 weeks after the operation, the other day 6… One can start walking flights of stairs, and the other can barely walk with crutches. Same problem, different phase of recovery.

A physiotherapist’s opinion is extremely valuable in determining your diagnosis and explaining the stages of healing. Our practitioners clarify the order of priorities that you must control to guide your recovery and limit tissue damage. One of the components regularly missed is failure to mitigate and control the healing environment, which opens you up to repetitive re-injury and slows down recovery. It involves limiting aggravating positions, knowing what makes it worse, and avoiding specific actions.

Before you’re convinced that surgery is the only option to fix your problem, a second opinion is always necessary. Remember that a surgeon’s toolkit involves surgery just because that is within their skill set, and their solution usually ends up with you getting pushed into the theater. Physiotherapists are medical professionals who prefer the route less traveled, offering non-surgical solutions to recover from an injury.

Let’s be honest. There are obvious surgical cases, but for those borderline cases, you can always resort to getting the operation, but only after you’ve given your body a chance at regenerating itself.

Retail chains are stocked with hair-loss remedies. However, research has only proven a few treatments that work, and these cannot be bought at these stores. This is not to say that these products don’t have some far-off effects, but if you’re suffering with the real deal, you must know what’s really going to make a difference, or do you want to prolong the agony?  

Our physiotherapists stay current with the most recent research protocols and guidelines for treating specific problems. Outdated approaches and prolonged rest are proven to cause more harm than active recovery, which is the philosophy modern practitioners must embrace.

All injuries require a multi-disciplined team to weigh in on their treatment approach and its effectiveness. All medical professionals work in close relationships with General practitioners, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Osteopaths, Biokineticists, Podiatrists, Dieticians, Orthopedic surgeons, and Neurosurgeons, each with unique skills.

Each healthcare professional knows the scope and the spectrum of a condition they can work on. An honest practitioner will refer you for a second opinion from expertise that they do not offer and, with that, offer you a choice of available treatments and which criteria must be met to take the next step.
The medical professionals’ community works in close relationships with other disciplines, overlapping regularly.

How it works



All Consultations will be booked for hour sessions

Step 1

Make your appointment

E-mail us at support@physiopretoria.co.za or WhatsApp us to request an international online consultation.

Step 2

Consent & Profile

Now, we’ll send you a permission form and some personal details we are required to capture.

Step 3


Direct payment via a payment link will be sent to your email to deposit the consultation fee.

Unfortunately Medical aid has not come to the table at this time and we can’t guarantee that your medical aid will reimburse you

Step 4


An administrator will contact you when payment is received.

Our online consult and time slot will be confirmed.

You’d have to accept the invitation at least 2 hours before the consult

Step 5

Link up

Practitioners will send you a link via email to join (Clicking on the link will automatically link you to the practitioner no downloads required)

Step 6

Leave the leg work to us

We’ll take it from there and introduce ourselves, and how the session will proceed

Sit back, relax and be amazed how much we are able to assist guide and explain your problem

Online Treatment Program


Our Physios schedule one hour sessions to give enough time to cover the assessment, diagnosis and treatment.


Our Physio will ask you to explain your problem in as much detail as possible. After you’ve explained your problem, we’ll ask you few more details to clarify so we can get a better understanding of what you’re experiencing. We’ll repeat this process until we have limited the possibilities of your diagnosis to 3.


We’ll discuss previous Scans, MRI, sonars that may help exclude other structures involved. We’ll talk through the results and explain each word to ensure we take all the information you have at your disposal into consideration.

Screening & Testing

Now we’ll ask you to perform a set of movements or actions and ask you to report back what you’re experiencing whether it be pain, stiffness, pressure or numb – we want to know. Our clinical minds will interpret the data from these test and guide our thoughts to the cause of your pain and more importantly the extent of the damage to your tissue.

  • This is a very time consuming stage and may take a while to make sure you perform the actions correctly while we analyze. (Some patients seem to think we just need to look at it to know what’s wrong – Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that)
  • With these screening & movement test we are accurately able to pinpoint the problem.

Knowledge Sharing

Now we have clear picture of what we’re dealing with. We’ll explain our findings and give you our professional opinion on what’s the process going forward, recovery time, expected goals and milestones you aught to achieve. Online media such as links, videos, images – is a powerful tools to give you a better understanding of what you’re dealing with and the extent, severity and nature of your problem.

Treatment & Avice

Your Physiotherpist will guide you through the whole process, no need to worry. At this stage we are able to provide you with sound advice how to manage the pain depending on your diagnosis and stage of healing. Even remotely we’re able to tel you what you should and shouldn’t do along this all the factors that may be making your pain worse. Our role as medical practitioner is to apply our knowledge to your circumstances. Together, we can ensure optimal healing.

Exercises, Stretches or Rest

Self-tests play a crucial role for you to monitor you progress. Each person will vary and we’d like to challenge you on your capacity. There are no recipes here. Exercise programs are goal driven to help you get to the next level.

Follow up

We’ll have to monitor your progress, to ensure you are achieving the goals? Usually we’ll schedule a call in 1 week, to check in on your progress and answer any of your questions. Some conditions resolve over 6-8 weeks, but others may require more frequent check-ups. We’ll discuss and elaborate on your rehabilitation or give you new guidelines to follow. Healing is a process… and we are here to guide you through it.

Are you still suffering from pain or waiting for surgery? Don’t let pain influence you to become frustrated and moody. “I’m in agony and this pain is driving me up the walls!” We understand you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, so we’d like to reach out and help you.

You need relief, and we know what to do.

Even if you’re going to end up on the surgical table, there’s no reason why you should be suffering in the meantime. Who knows what’s going to happen in the next few weeks or even months? However, if we’re able to get your pain down to a more manageable level, you’ll at least enjoy this downtime a little bit more.

Specialists and hospitals may take months before they open up time in their schedules to discuss non-lifethreatening cases. Are you going to suffer in silence, alone at home? It’s not necessary. Our Physiotherapists are caring and won’t cause you any more pain. We want to help you.

Our Physiotherapists are expert medical professionals who understand your pain. Our treatment offers a wide range of new tech machines and technologies that work on a cellular level to relieve pain.  We’re not selling you a miracle cure – just some relief from the agony you’re already in.

Are you scared, or the anticipation of the long wait is eating at you? You should consider acting sooner rather than later – act now. Speak to one of our Physios and be amazed.

In South Africa, the Health Professionals Board plays a crucial role in regulating healthcare practices. Among its many functions, it allows practitioners to consult their patients online, ensuring that patients have access to quality care, even in remote or underserved areas.