Headache Treatment
Headache causes, the difference between the types of headache. Tension, Migraine, and stress headache. Know where your headaches are coming from. Headache Physio treatment
Headache causes, the difference between the types of headache. Tension, Migraine, and stress headache. Know where your headaches are coming from. Headache Physio treatment
Shoulder stiffness is not uncommon after a shoulder injury. [...]
Suffering from a Pinched nerve in your neck? Nerves can become trapped as they run our the spine to your arms. Trapped neck nerves can become pinched between muscles, vertebrae, ligaments, discs and much more. Ask our Physios to help guide you get the pinched nerve free.
The world is full of acronyms, LOL, YOLO, the [...]
Stress is a loaded topic. Most of us are [...]
Osgood Schlatters describes knee pain typically found in young [...]
Concussion is the under diagnosed brain injury. EVERY Concussion is serious because the nerves in your brain are injured.
Sciatica is a Symptom of nerve pain which basically means there is injury, compression or irritation on the Sciatic branch of nerves of the hip. Sciatica hip pain can be due to the Pirriformis, Hamstrings or referral from the nerves exiting in the lower back. We are able to test the nerves in your hip to find the cause
Cupping is a modality of alternative medicine practices. During [...]
Atlas was burdened with carrying the weight of the [...]