About Jaco Swart

Jaco has been helping people just like you for years, people who want to keep active and love to be healthy so they can get the most enjoyment out of life for many years to come! We believe people should have exceptionally better access to great care to help them stay active, mobile & free from painkillers. If you would like to know how the Physiotherapists at Well Health Pro can help you live with less pain and get back to feeling great again - we invite you to give us a call.

Torn Ligament

Torn ligament pain depends on the injured structure within the joint. Symptoms & movements indicate which ligament might be injured and to what expect. Types of torn ligaments, Physiotherapist experts in treating ligament tears in Pretoria.

By |2024-03-07T09:07:29+02:002024-01-04|Conditions, Ligament|
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