A Sports Physiotherapist understand how to deal with sports related injuries. The high demand you place on your body when pushing your own limits, is bound to give you some problems. Just like a Formula 1 driver needs a whole pit crew, sports physiotherapists are the mechanics that makes sure your body is fine tuned for peak performance. Tightening a muscle, or loosening the tension of a area that’s taking a lot of strain, or even identifying problems that may still come up. Your body is a complex machine and a sports injury physiotherapist is train rigorously on the link between pathology and maximum performance.
Our Sports physios know how to dissect movement patterns into the most basic components to find the culprit. In essence, Sport physiotherapist are medical professionals specialized to accurately test and diagnose injuries or even pain that develop from doing sports. Our treatments are structured in stages and we explain the milestones and targets you must achieve before we progress to the next. This ensures you’re safe without worrying if its going to hold up.
Why see a Sports Physiotherapist after an injury?
Would you drive to Cape town without checking your tires, spare wheel & brakes? Especially if it’s due for a service, would you take the chance or have it checked. Well, that’s what sports physiotherapists do. Make sure you’re able to handle the journey. If not, we tell you what to do if something might go wrong.
You only have one body and you need to keep that machine going until 80. We are interested in your future health and not just your current injury, because we know the impact that pain and injury can have on your system. Sports physiotherapist service human bodies and repair injured tissue. Sports Physiotherapists understand the cellular and chemical processes that are happening inside your tissue. Our goal is to prevent more pain and chronic injury.

Service your Body
Like you
Service your Car
Sports Physios understand sports injuries
Athletes who commit to sport cannot afford to spend “time off” from their sport. Our Sports Physiotherapist encourage active rehabilitation and monitoring of a condition’s progress in order to keep our athletes on a participating level. We teach and educate you how to manage your pain and provide you with warning signs where pathology is being aggravated.
This treatment approach focuses not only on the treatment of symptoms, such as pain or stiffness, but also prevents future injuries. The last thing an athlete needs is a reoccurring injury and endless rehab. We are able to give you the best evidence-based treatment, to get you back to doing what you do best. Our focus on Pro-active preventative strategies detect weak links and imbalances even before injury occurs.
What is a Sports Physiotherapist?
A Physiotherapist is a medical professional that specialize in diagnoses and treatment of muscle, joint, ligament and other injuries. “Physio” referring to physiology. The scientific study of normal function of cells. With this background knowledge Physiotherapists are able to detect abnormalities, thus the term “therapist” which refers to treatment of a health problem. Sports Physiotherapist’s job is to restore normal function to your body’s cells.
Physiotherapists work in a wide verity of settings like hospitals, private practice, clinics, and sports clubs. This gives sports physios the unique advantage of treating an injury in it’s acute stage up until you’re back on the field. Certain criteria must be achieved during each stage of healing. Physios guides you every step of the way to ensure your recovery goes according to plan. And if it doesn’t, we can act fast and get you back on track.
Get the help you really need
Medical professionals that care about you
Sports Physios @ Well Health Pro treatment Philosophy
As professional Sports Physiotherapists we blend our passion for movement and a unique athletic perspective together, to get you back to what you love doing. Our approach is ‘hands on’ which ensures that your specific needs are at the center of the process. We don’t only focus on the symptoms, but treat the cause of your problem.
As a professional athlete or weekend warrior, you are built to stay moving. Our purpose is to get you back to your normal daily life as soon and as safely as possible. Sports physiotherapists know you don’t want to be stuck in rehabilitation forever with chronic pain and constantly hesitating.

Proud Medical Practitioners
Our logo exemplifies our distinctive approach: Preventative, Pro-active and Performance. As part of our preventative nature we focus on injury prevention. A detailed musclulo-skeletal screening performed by qualified professionals, aims to decrease your chances of serious injury. Sports physiotherapists provide professional advice on how to manage sport injuries correctly.
Chronic sport injuries can handicap your life and by being pro-active we can work together, not only to decrease your symptoms but to prevent disability. Quick and effective intervention limits the duration and intensity of injuries which allows you to stay the happy and dynamic person that you are!
Performance is not only expected from elite athletes. You perform at work, home and school just as much as in your sport. This becomes our ultimate goal – facilitating you to perform at the best of your capabilities. This helps you stay confident and encourages you to take on challenges to maximize your individual potential, so we pride ourselves in giving evidence based treatments and ensure that new research and technology works for you.
In the end, we love what we do and what we do is help people! We use our skill and knowledge to aid in healing. Together we walk the journey of success.

“If you’re concerned, we diagnose your problem and treat it
Let us check it and determine the damage”
If you’re suffering from pain after trauma or even surgery, you are at the right place. We treat all kinds of injury and damage to tissues like muscle, joint, tendon, ligament and nerves. Sign up for treatment today.
Performance is not only expected from elite athletes. You are expected to perform at work, home and school just as much as in sports. This becomes our ultimate goal is helping you perform at your best. If its to sit in front of a computer for 9+ hours or driving around in your car. We can relieve your pain so you can get back to living your life — pain free!
When to see a Sports Physio?
It is important to check with your physiotherapist or doctor as soon as possible. Mild injuries may need no further intervention, but this decision should be made by a professional.
Then we work on the sports field we try to assess the damage right there on the field, because in most cases the swelling can prevent us from testing and even doing scans on the injured area. This is so important because we can immediately determine what structures have been damaged by doing a few tests. When the swelling sets in it gets more difficult to pinpoint the site and structures that were injured. Then you have no choice but to wait until the swelling has subsided before the treatment can be targeted to a specific structure.
If you’ve got a pain that’s been developing over a few months while training and building up to an event, pains tend to break your pace when you’re pushing the outer limits. Each person’s case is unique and we know what elements to stress, test and scan. Compromised tissue can buckle, and it just needs that final push to end in catastrophic agony.
When you’re unsure about a injury, or if you’re medically cleared to put the tissue under stain, get it tested by a medical sports professional. Leaving it to chance has never been smart.