Quadriceps tendinitis

A Quadriceps Tendinitis or Tendinopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Physiotherapy treatment and why it heals so slow. Tendinitis of the Quadriceps tendon is a condition when the thigh muscles’s tendon become inflamed and irritated. The quadriceps muscles are four large muscles in the front of the thigh just above the knee cap.

By |2024-02-06T12:43:35+02:002023-12-29|Legs|

Runner’s Knee

Runner's knee can be frustrating and painful, but we give you the causes to prevent it, and lots of treatment options to help get you back running quickly. Runners knee pain symptoms and treatment.

By |2025-02-26T15:15:32+02:002023-12-27|Knee, Legs|
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